<% tp.date.now(“dddd, MMMM D, YYYY”) %>
Week <% tp.date.now(“ww”) %> of <% tp.date.now(“YYYY”) %> • Q<% tp.date.now(“Q”) %>
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📊 Day at a Glance
- 🗓️ Day: <% tp.date.now(“DDD”) %> of <% tp.date.now(“YYYY”) %> (<%*
try {
const dayOfYear = parseInt(tp.date.now(“DDD”));
const percentageOfYear = Math.round((dayOfYear / 365) * 100);
tR +=
; } catch (error) { tR += “Error”; } %>) - 📅 Week: <% tp.date.now(“ww”) %> of 52
- 📊 Quarter Progress: <%*
try {
const now = moment();
const quarter = now.quarter();
const startOfQuarter = moment().quarter(quarter).startOf(‘quarter’);
const endOfQuarter = moment().quarter(quarter).endOf(‘quarter’);
const totalDaysInQuarter = endOfQuarter.diff(startOfQuarter, ‘days’) + 1;
const currentDayInQuarter = now.diff(startOfQuarter, ‘days’) + 1;
const progress = Math.round((currentDayInQuarter / totalDaysInQuarter) * 100);
tR +=
${currentDayInQuarter} of ${totalDaysInQuarter} (${progress}%)
; } catch (error) { tR += “Error calculating progress.”; } %> - 🎯 Days until EOY: <% moment(tp.date.now(“YYYY”) + “-12-31”).diff(moment(), ‘days’) %>
- 🔄 Created at: <% tp.file.creation_date(“h:mm A”) %>
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<% await tp.user.createDailyFiles() %>
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<% await tp.user.fetchPokemon() %>
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“If this works it’s gonna be so cool!” Please work…
<% await tp.user.fetchGPTThoughts(tp, “What insights can you provide about my day?“) %>
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daily-note <% tp.date.now(“dddd”) %> week-<% tp.date.now(“ww”) %> q<% tp.date.now(“Q”) %>