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Below is the updated FastAPI-Based Benchmarker TRD with no timelines and an additional layer of detail for every section. Each point now includes sub-goals clarifying what must be done and how. Enjoy!

Technical Requirements Document (TRD)

FastAPI-Based Benchmarker

1. Overview

The purpose of this TRD is to define the requirements, architecture, and specifications for a FastAPI-based application that benchmarks local Large Language Models (LLMs) via Ollama. The system will collect detailed performance metrics, store results in a database (MongoDB), and provide a lightweight web interface for users to submit prompts, compare metrics, and review historical benchmarks.


  1. Define the core functionalities:
    • Identify how requests are sent to local LLMs (via Ollama).
    • Define the structure for performance data collection.
  2. Decide on the tech stack:
    • FastAPI for the web/API layer.
    • MongoDB for data persistence.
    • Jinja2 templates and JavaScript for a minimal UI.
  3. Ensure maintainability:
    • Clear separation of concerns: services, models, routers, etc.
    • Sufficient documentation and test coverage.

2. Scope

  • System Name: Ollama Benchmarker
  • Users:
    • Developers or ML Engineers evaluating local model performance.
    • QA engineers verifying consistent model output over time.
    • Non-technical stakeholders needing a simple UI for side-by-side comparisons.
  • In-Scope:
    • Benchmarking local LLMs through Ollama.
    • Collecting system usage metrics (CPU, memory, GPU).
    • Timing metrics (time to first token, total time, chunk times).
    • Logging and storing user prompt, model response, and benchmarks.
    • Simple UI to input prompts, configure models, and explore results history.
  • Out-of-Scope:
    • Cloud-based LLM integration.
    • Production-grade security measures such as full user management.


  1. Precisely define what β€œbenchmarking” includes:
    • Confirm which metrics (CPU, memory, GPU usage, etc.) are relevant.
    • Confirm which timing metrics (time to first chunk, total time, chunk throughput) matter.
  2. Clarify minimal UI:
    • Outline the page(s) needed.
    • Identify user flows for setting prompts, viewing real-time benchmarks, and retrieving history.
  3. Define exclusions:
    • Maintain focus on local LLMs.
    • No third-party authentication or advanced user system.

3. Objectives

  1. Collect Performance Data
    • Gather standardized metrics for consistent cross-model comparisons.
  2. Compare and Visualize
    • Persist results to MongoDB (or JSON fallback) for historical trend analysis.
    • Provide an interface that highlights differences (e.g., CPU usage, response speed).
  3. Ease of Use
    • Enable quick user prompts in a minimal UI with minimal overhead.
    • Generate structured benchmark results (JSON) automatically.
  4. Maintainability
    • Keep code modular, consistent, and thoroughly tested.
    • Ensure that system can be extended with additional metrics or new LLMs.


  1. Performance Data Depth:
    • Include CPU frequency fluctuations, memory usage deltas, GPU usage if applicable.
    • Manage detailed timing for chunked responses.
  2. Data Visualization:
    • Provide tabular listings of historical benchmarks.
    • Offer basic statistical summaries (min, max, average).
  3. UI Simplicity:
    • Accept prompt input and model list.
    • Display results in real time or near real time with minimal confusion.
  4. Long-Term Maintainability:
    • Use PEP8 style guidelines.
    • Keep test coverage at a high level.
    • Document all major classes and methods.

4. Architecture

                  β”‚   Web UI    β”‚
                 β”‚ FastAPI Server β”‚
                 β”‚   (app/main)   β”‚
                   β–Ό             β–Ό             β–Ό                  β–Ό
              β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”  β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”  β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”   β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”
              β”‚ Routers   β”‚  β”‚ Models   β”‚  β”‚ Services    β”‚   β”‚ Templates  β”‚
              β”‚(benchmarksβ”‚  β”‚(Pydantic)β”‚  β”‚(benchmark,  β”‚   β”‚(index.html)β”‚
              β”‚   etc.)   β”‚  β”‚          β”‚  β”‚ storage,    β”‚   β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”˜
              β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”˜  β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”˜  β”‚  ollama)    β”‚
                                         β”‚ MongoDB /   β”‚
                                         β”‚  JSON Files β”‚
  • FastAPI orchestrates HTTP requests.
  • Routers separate concerns (benchmarks, history).
  • Services contain business logic (benchmark, storage, Ollama interactions).
  • Models define request and response formats using Pydantic.
  • MongoDB persists data (fallback: JSON file store).
  • Templates + JS for minimal user interface.


  1. Clear Layered Architecture:
    • Separate each function of the system into logical modules (API, services, data models).
  2. Future-Proofing:
    • Keep an open design for adding new LLM backends besides Ollama if needed.
  3. Minimal Complexity:
    • Ensure the system is straightforward and not over-engineered for the current scope.

5. Detailed Requirements

5.1. Functional Requirements

  1. Model Benchmarking
    • Req-F-1: Accept a list of models to benchmark given a user prompt.
    • Req-F-2: Measure time to first chunk, total processing time, chunk sizes, etc.
    • Req-F-3: Track CPU, memory usage, and optional GPU usage over the benchmark duration.
    • Req-F-4: Capture and store the model response text for reference.
  2. Data Storage
    • Req-F-5: Persist all benchmark data in MongoDB (or JSON) including ID, timestamps, model metadata, user prompt.
    • Req-F-6: Store basic system hardware info (CPU cores, total memory, OS info) for context.
  3. Data Retrieval
    • Req-F-7: Provide an endpoint to retrieve the entire benchmark history.
    • Req-F-8: Provide an endpoint to retrieve a single benchmark by ID.
  4. Web Interface
    • Req-F-9: Let users input a prompt, specify selected models, and run the benchmark from the browser.
    • Req-F-10: Show benchmark results in real time or near real time in the UI.
    • Req-F-11: Let users browse, sort, or filter historical benchmarks.
  5. Error Handling
    • Req-F-12: Gracefully handle errors (timeouts, missing models), returning appropriate HTTP codes and messages.
    • Req-F-13: Log errors in a structured manner for debugging.

Sub-Goals for Each Functional Requirement

  1. Req-F-1: Implement a POST endpoint accepting a BenchmarkRequest (prompt, list of models).
  2. Req-F-2: During model inference, record timestamps for the first token and the entire generation.
  3. Req-F-3: Use psutil or an equivalent library to record CPU/mem usage over the request duration.
  4. Req-F-4: Append the final text output from the model to the result object.
  5. Req-F-5: Convert results to a Pydantic model and store them in MongoDB or a local JSON file.
  6. Req-F-6: Use a system metrics function to store CPU/memory/gpu stats with each benchmark.
  7. Req-F-7: Implement a GET endpoint returning a list of recent benchmarks in reverse chronological order.
  8. Req-F-8: Implement a GET endpoint accepting a benchmark ID to fetch a single record.
  9. Req-F-9: Provide an HTML page with a prompt input box and a multi-select for models.
  10. Req-F-10: Render partial results in the UI as soon as possible, or show a loading animation if synchronous.
  11. Req-F-11: Provide a history tab or section to display stored benchmarks and filter them by timestamp or model.
  12. Req-F-12: Throw or catch exceptions (e.g. HTTPException) for misconfigurations and timeouts.
  13. Req-F-13: Log the detailed stacktrace and user-facing messages at different log levels.

5.2. Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance
    • Req-NF-1: The system must handle concurrent benchmark requests (async/await).
    • Req-NF-2: The system must not hang for indefinite durations; a maximum benchmark time or cancellation approach is recommended.
  2. Scalability
    • Req-NF-3: The design should allow easy containerization or running across multiple processes.
  3. Security
    • Req-NF-4: Sanitize all prompt input to avoid injection attacks.
    • Req-NF-5: Keep environment-specific secrets (MongoDB credentials) out of the code repository.
  4. Maintainability
    • Req-NF-6: Code should follow PEP8 style guidelines.
    • Req-NF-7: Each major module should be covered by unit or integration tests.
  5. Usability
    • Req-NF-8: UI must allow a novice user to run a benchmark with minimal instructions.

Sub-Goals for Each Non-Functional Requirement

  1. Req-NF-1: Properly implement FastAPI concurrency with async routes.
  2. Req-NF-2: Add a configurable timeout for model inference.
  3. Req-NF-3: Provide a Dockerfile or deployment instructions.
  4. Req-NF-4: Validate/sanitize all input and ensure no direct shell injection.
  5. Req-NF-5: Rely on environment variables or secrets manager for DB credentials.
  6. Req-NF-6: Enforce style checking with a tool like black or flake8.
  7. Req-NF-7: Create a test suite with coverage metrics for each module.
  8. Req-NF-8: UI layout is simple, label inputs clearly, show success/error messages.

6. API Endpoints

EndpointMethodDescriptionRequest BodyResponse
/api/benchmarks/runPOSTRun benchmarks on selected modelsBenchmarkRequestBenchmarkResponse (JSON)
/api/benchmarks/historyGETGet recent benchmarks in descending timestampNoneArray of BenchmarkResponse
/api/benchmarks/history/{id}GETRetrieve a specific benchmark by IDNoneA single BenchmarkResponse or error


  1. Implement POST logic (/api/benchmarks/run):
    • Validate the incoming request.
    • Launch concurrent tasks to benchmark each model.
    • Return a BenchmarkResponse.
  2. Implement GET logic (/api/benchmarks/history):
    • Query the storage backend for the most recent benchmarks.
    • Return a list of responses.
  3. Implement GET logic (/api/benchmarks/history/{id}):
    • Validate the id type (ObjectId or string).
    • Return the single benchmark document or 404 if not found.

7. Data Models

# app/models/
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import List, Dict, Optional
from datetime import datetime
class BenchmarkRequest(BaseModel):
    prompt: str
    models: List[str] = ["wizardlm2", "nemotron-mini", "llama3.2"]
    parameters: Optional[Dict] = None
class SystemInfo(BaseModel):
    platform: str
    processor: str
    python_version: str
    cpu: Dict
    memory: Dict
    gpu: Optional[List[Dict]]
class BenchmarkResult(BaseModel):
    model: str
    timing: Dict
    throughput: Dict
    system_impact: Dict
    success: bool
    timestamp: datetime
    prompt: str
    response: Optional[str]
class BenchmarkResponse(BaseModel):
    timestamp: datetime
    system_info: SystemInfo
    results: List[BenchmarkResult]


  1. BenchmarkRequest:
    • Must contain prompt, models, and optional generation parameters (e.g., temperature, top_k).
  2. SystemInfo:
    • Collect platform, CPU, memory, GPU details at the start of each benchmark run.
  3. BenchmarkResult:
    • Store model name, timing details, throughput data, system impact, success status, final text response.
  4. BenchmarkResponse:
    • Wraps the entire benchmark run with a timestamp and system info, plus the list of results.

8. Implementation Sketch

A high-level code layout demonstrating how the components interact:

  1. app/
    • FastAPI entry point, sets up routing and templates.
  2. app/routers/
    • Contains /api/benchmarks/run, /api/benchmarks/history, /api/benchmarks/history/{id} endpoints.
  3. app/services/
    • Orchestrates concurrency for multiple models.
    • Uses an ollama_client for local LLM interaction.
    • Wraps data in BenchmarkResponse.
  4. app/services/
    • Persists data to MongoDB (or fallback JSON).
    • Retrieves records for history or a specific ID.
  5. app/services/
    • Hypothetical wrapper over Ollama CLI or local server.
    • Returns chunk timing, text output, and throughput stats.
  6. app/utils/
    • Gathers CPU/mem usage with psutil before and after model inference.


  1. app/
    • Register the benchmarks router.
    • Mount static files for the minimal UI.
  2. app/routers/
    • Validate input with Pydantic.
    • Call BenchmarkService methods.
    • Handle exceptions for non-existent IDs.
  3. app/services/
    • Spawn async tasks for each model to measure concurrency.
    • Compute and record system metrics before and after run.
    • Return structured data in a BenchmarkResponse.
  4. app/services/
    • Insert new documents in save_benchmark().
    • Support basic queries like .find({}).sort("timestamp", -1).
    • Might use async subprocess calls or an HTTP client.
    • Parse chunk times if provided by Ollama.
    • Snapshot CPU/mem usage at the start and end.
    • Potentially log usage at intervals throughout the run.

9. Error Handling & Logging

  • Use HTTPException for returning 4xx/5xx status codes.
  • Try/Except blocks in services for handling internal errors.
  • Structured Logging with timestamps, error messages, stack traces.


  1. HTTP-Level Errors:
    • Return user-friendly messages.
    • Example: HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid model name").
  2. Internal Errors:
    • Log traceback for debug.
    • Distinguish between warnings (e.g., model fallback) and critical errors (e.g., DB failure).

10. Security Considerations

  • Prompt Sanitization to avoid injection attacks in logs or shell calls.
  • Environment Secrets for DB credentials.
  • HTTPS recommended for production usage.


  1. Input Validation:
    • Ensure prompt input does not contain malicious shell commands if used in any direct exec.
  2. Credential Management:
    • Rely on environment variables or a secret manager for DB connection strings.
  3. Transport Layer Security:
    • Deploy behind TLS in any public environment.

11. Testing

  1. Unit Tests
    • For each function: system metrics retrieval, model invocation, JSON creation.
  2. Integration Tests
    • Use a mock or real Ollama client to test the end-to-end pipeline.
    • Verify that the database receives correct data.
  3. End-to-End Tests
    • Start the full FastAPI app locally.
    • Run a real benchmark, confirm the data structure in the response.
  4. Load & Performance Tests
    • Evaluate concurrency via load testing tools (e.g., Locust).
    • Check memory usage under many simultaneous prompts.


  1. Comprehensive Coverage:
    • Ensure major routes and services are tested.
  2. Mocking:
    • Mock external dependencies (Ollama, DB).
    • Confirm the system logic without real side effects.
  3. Data Integrity Validation:
    • Test that the stored JSON format matches the Pydantic model definitions.

12. Performance

  • AsyncIO is used to handle concurrent requests.
  • CPU/Memory usage measurement must remain accurate under load.
  • The system should degrade gracefully if model calls saturate resources.


  1. Async Implementation:
    • Use await and async in the main benchmark flow.
    • Possibly rely on concurrency primitives if multiple benchmarks run at once.
  2. Resource Monitoring:
    • Confirm that CPU/memory usage metrics don’t conflict with other system processes.
    • Limit the size of logs if usage data is collected frequently.
  3. Graceful Degradation:
    • If the model call is blocking or times out, return an error object.

13. Deployment

  1. Local Development:
    • Use uvicorn app.main:app --reload for testing.
  2. Containerization:
    • Provide a Dockerfile with required dependencies.
  3. Production:
    • Use a production server (gunicorn + uvicorn worker).
    • Deploy behind a load balancer for scaling.


  1. Local Environment:
    • Simple startup scripts or docker-compose for dev environment.
  2. Dockerfiles:
    • Multi-stage build to reduce final image size.
    • Expose default port 8000.
  3. Production Deployment:
    • Document environment variables for DB connection.
    • Possibly introduce a caching layer if usage grows.

14. Maintenance

  • Regular Library Updates: Keep FastAPI, Motor, and psutil up to date.
  • Code Review: All significant changes must be peer-reviewed.
  • Documentation: Methods, classes, and major flows described in docstrings or external docs.


  1. Dependency Management:
    • Use Poetry or pip-compile to track library versions.
    • Periodically update them.
  2. Review Process:
    • Ensure that each pull request is reviewed by at least one team member.
  3. Documentation:
    • Maintain a README covering setup, usage, and known issues.
    • Keep in-line docstrings explaining complex code paths.

15. (No Timelines)

(Removed all timeline references as requested.)

16. Risks & Mitigations

  • Risk: Ollama call fails or times out.
    • Mitigation: Implement an async timeout wrapper, return error info.
  • Risk: Large prompts cause memory spikes.
    • Mitigation: Warn or limit prompt size.
  • Risk: MongoDB performance slowdown with large results.
    • Mitigation: Implement indexes, archiving, or limit stored data.


  1. Timeout Handling:
    • Confirm timeouts with an asynchronous approach.
    • Return partial results if possible.
  2. Prompt Size Management:
    • Provide a maximum prompt length in the UI or config.
  3. Scalable Storage:
    • If the DB grows large, plan for archiving or sharding strategies.

17. Approvals

  • Project Sponsor: Decides on overall direction and signs off on major features.
  • Team Lead: Ensures architecture consistency and code quality.
  • DevOps: Confirms deployment feasibility.


  1. Project Sponsor:
    • Validate high-level functionality is in line with business priorities.
  2. Team Lead:
    • Verify that the system meets coding standards and design patterns.
  3. DevOps:
    • Check containerization, ensure minimal friction in deploying or scaling.

18. References


  1. Link Relevance:
    • Confirm each reference is correct and up-to-date.
  2. Continuous Learning:
    • Team should stay updated on new releases or best practices in FastAPI, Motor, etc.

19. Appendix

A.1: Example JSON output for a single benchmark

  "timestamp": "2024-12-25T12:21:26.209945",
  "system_info": {
    "platform": "macOS-12.7.4-x86_64-i386-64bit",
    "processor": "i386",
    "python_version": "3.10.0",
    "cpu": {
      "physical_cores": 4,
      "total_cores": 8,
      "max_frequency": 2200,
      "min_frequency": 2200,
      "current_frequency": 2200
    "memory": {
      "total": 16.0,
      "available": 11.79848861694336,
      "used": 3.6441993713378906,
      "percent_used": 26.3
    "gpu": []
  "results": [
      "model": "wizardlm2",
      "timing": {
        "time_to_first_chunk": 15.938036918640137,
        "total_time": 29.094534158706665
      "throughput": {
        "total_chunks": 54,
        "total_bytes": 213,
        "average_chunk_size": 3.9444444444444446,
        "bytes_per_second": 7.320962722348962
      "system_impact": {
        "cpu_delta": [-6.2, 0.0, -11.1, 1.0],
        "memory_delta": 30.3
      "success": true,
      "timestamp": "2024-12-25T12:20:58.088789",
      "prompt": "Hello Wizard!",
      "response": "Wizard says hi"


  1. Data Accuracy:
    • Validate that fields like time_to_first_chunk and total_time are measured accurately.
  2. Clarity:
    • Ensure each top-level field is self-explanatory or well-documented.

End of TRD

That’s the final FastAPI-Based Benchmarker TRD with no timeline constraints, plus detailed sub-goals for every section. Let me know if you need further clarification or extra detail in any specific area!

Hey Christopher, here’s a concise yet comprehensive look at the core FastAPI component that will drive user interaction with NovaSystem in the next phase of development:

Core Focus

  1. User Interaction Via FastAPI

    • The central goal is to have a single streamlined interface where users can submit prompts and retrieve responses, metrics, and agent steps.
    • This interface will unify the NovaSystem components (Core, Agents, Memory, etc.) behind one simple API.
  2. Essential Responsibilities

    • Receive Prompts: Accept a user’s request (prompt, optional parameters) via a POST endpoint (e.g., /api/nova/ask).
    • Orchestrate Responses: Pass the prompt to the relevant NovaSystem processes (agents, memory, local LLM).
    • Return Results: Send back structured JSON containing the system’s chain-of-thought steps (if required), final text, and any relevant metrics.
  3. Immediate Development Goals

    • Integration: Hook up the existing NovaSystem methods (like process_message(), AgentOrchestrator.process_turn()) to a single FastAPI route.
    • Session Management: Ensure each request can include or reference session context (if you are using sessions).
    • Minimal Data Model: Define the Pydantic models that represent incoming user prompts and outgoing responses (text, metrics, conversation state).
    • High-Level Logging: Track each request’s input prompt, system usage, and any errors within the FastAPI route.

Core FastAPI Component (Example)

from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import Optional, List
# Basic Data Models
class NovaRequest(BaseModel):
    prompt: str
    session_id: Optional[str] = None
    parameters: Optional[dict] = None
class NovaResponse(BaseModel):
    text: str
    chain_of_thought: Optional[List[str]] = None
    metrics: Optional[dict] = None
    session_id: Optional[str] = None
# FastAPI App
app = FastAPI()
# In the real system, you’d import NovaSystemCore, AgentOrchestrator, etc.
# from nova_system.core import NovaSystemCore
# from nova_system.agents import AgentOrchestrator"/api/nova/ask", response_model=NovaResponse)
async def ask_nova(request: NovaRequest) -> NovaResponse:
        # 1. Retrieve or create session context (placeholder)
        session_id = request.session_id or "new-session-id"
        # 2. Pass prompt to the NovaSystem pipeline
        # Here we’d do something like:
        # response_data = agent_orchestrator.process_turn(
        #     prompt=request.prompt,
        #     session_id=session_id
        # )
        # Mocking up a quick example:
        response_data = {
            "text": f"Nova says: Hello from prompt '{request.prompt}'!",
            "chain_of_thought": ["PlannerAgent -> Plan", "ExecutorAgent -> Execute"],
            "metrics": {"cpu_percent": 25.2},
        # 3. Return structured response
        return NovaResponse(
    except Exception as e:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))

Key Points

  • Single /api/nova/ask Endpoint: All user prompts go through here.
  • NovaRequest Model: Defines what the user can send (prompt, session ID).
  • NovaResponse Model: Captures the final text, optional chain-of-thought, metrics, etc.
  • Session Handling: If your conversation includes context, pass a session ID that the system recognizes.
  • Central Logging: Each request can log relevant details (prompt, CPU usage, time to response).

What This Phase Achieves

  • Unified Communication Channel: No matter which internal NovaSystem modules are invoked (Core, Agents, Memory), the user only sees the /api/nova/ask endpoint.
  • Simple Expandability: You can add new featuresβ€”like advanced metrics, memory lookups, error handlingβ€”behind this endpoint without changing the user-facing interface.
  • Chain-of-Thought & Metadata: If you decide to include chain-of-thought data or additional metadata in responses, it’s trivial to extend the NovaResponse model.

Next Steps

  1. Real Implementation: Replace the mock response logic with real calls to AgentOrchestrator and NovaSystemCore.
  2. Session/Context Management: Store conversation history either in-memory, via your SessionManager, or in a database.
  3. Authentication or Security: If future phases require user-based authentication, add a FastAPI dependency or JWT-based approach.
  4. Testing & Logging: Add test suites to ensure each request logs the correct data and returns the correct response format.

That’s itβ€”an essential summary of the next development phase. We’re focusing on building a core FastAPI endpoint that glues together user prompts and NovaSystem’s internal logic. Once that is in place, it forms the solid foundation for more advanced features like chain-of-thought visualization, advanced memory, or multi-agent orchestrations.