🧪 Test Template
Dynamic Day-Based Content
Today’s Focus: <% (await tp.user.templateTest()).dayBasedTitle %>
Random Priority Generator
Priority for today: <% (await tp.user.templateTest()).randomPriority %>
Conditional Sections
<% const data = await tp.user.templateTest() %> <% if (data.isWeekend) { %>
Weekend Mode Activated! 🎉
Time for review and planning <% } else { %>
Weekday Mode 💼
Let’s get to work! <% } %>
Template Type Specific Content
<% const sections = data.conditionalSections %> Focus Area: <%= sections.focus %>
Key Sections
<% sections.sections.forEach(section ⇒ { %>
- <%= section %> <% }); %>
Week Information
Current Week Number: <%= data.weekNumber %>