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The Beardless Three

Guild Masters Affected by the Fartbucket-Tavern-Incident


Three prominent members of the Guild Masters who were forced to shave their beards due to persistent magical sparkles following the Giggling Geode incident.

The Members

  1. Thorgrim Goldbeard (formerly)

    • Head of the Brewers’ Guild Testing Committee
    • First to approve Fartbucket’s experiment
    • Beard now regrown but occasionally sparkles during full moons
  2. Daina Silverbeard (formerly)

    • Chief of Magical Safety Protocols
    • Ironically wrote the pre-incident safety guidelines
    • Used the opportunity to establish new containment procedures
  3. Baldin Copperbeard (formerly)

    • Master of Apprentice Oversight
    • Actually enjoyed the sparkles but shaved in solidarity
    • Now requires triple safety checks for all experiments

Cultural Impact

  • Created the “Beardless Brotherhood” support group
  • Inspired new magical containment protocols
  • Annual “Clean Shave” fundraiser for brewing safety
  • Subject of several popular tavern songs


The incident led to the creation of the “Beardless Clause” in all experimental brewing permits, requiring proper magical containment to prevent beard-related incidents.
