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World-Building Algorithm

A systematic approach to creating interconnected narrative elements

Algorithm Overview

function buildNarrativeWorld(seedStory):
    // Initialize tracking sets
    entities = new Set()
    createdPages = new Set()
    // Extract core elements
    function extractEntities(story):
        places = findProperNouns(story, type="place")
        characters = findProperNouns(story, type="character")
        items = findProperNouns(story, type="item")
        organizations = findProperNouns(story, type="organization")
        return {
            places: places,
            characters: characters,
            items: items,
            organizations: organizations
    // Create hierarchy of dependencies
    function createHierarchy(entities):
        graph = new DirectedGraph()
        for each entity in entities:
            for each otherEntity in entities:
                if entity.mentions(otherEntity):
                    graph.addEdge(entity, otherEntity)
        return graph.topologicalSort()
    // Generate interconnected pages
    function generatePages(sortedEntities):
        for each entity in sortedEntities:
            if not createdPages.has(entity):
                page = createPage(entity)
                addWikilinks(page, entities)
                addCrossReferences(page, createdPages)
                // Add relevant categories and metadata
    // Main execution flow
    extracted = extractEntities(seedStory)
    sortedEntities = createHierarchy(entities)
    return createdPages
function addWikilinks(page, entities):
    for each entity in entities:
        if page.mentions(entity):
function addCrossReferences(page, existingPages):
    relevantPages = findRelatedContent(page, existingPages)
    addReferencesSection(page, relevantPages)

Usage Example

Using the Fartbucket-Tavern-Incident as a seed story:

  1. Extracted entities:

  2. Created hierarchy based on mentions and dependencies

  3. Generated interconnected pages with consistent cross-references

Best Practices

  1. Extract all proper nouns first
  2. Create parent locations/organizations before dependents
  3. Ensure bidirectional linking
  4. Maintain consistent categories and tags
  5. Include metadata and frontmatter
  6. Cross-reference related content
  7. Add hooks for future expansion

Common Categories

Frontmatter Template

title: Entity Name
type: [character|location|item|organization]
status: [active|historical|legendary]
  - [[Related Entity 1]]
  - [[Related Entity 2]]
  - relevant-tag-1
  - relevant-tag-2
