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Work Effort Implementation Guidelines


A work effort (WE) is our way of tracking significant pieces of work in the Nova system. Think of it like a project folder that contains all discussions, decisions, and documentation about a specific task or feature.

When to Create a Work Effort

Create a work effort when you have:

  • A feature that will take more than a day to complete
  • Work that requires discussion or collaboration
  • A task that needs to be tracked and documented
  • Something that others might need to reference later

When NOT to Create a Work Effort

Don’t create a work effort for:

  • Quick fixes (under 1 hour)
  • Simple documentation updates
  • Questions that can be answered in a single chat
  • Personal tasks or notes

Example Scenarios

✅ Good Use Cases:

  • “Implement user authentication system”
  • “Design new database schema”
  • “Create API documentation”
  • “Investigate performance issues”

❌ Not Needed:

  • “Fix typo in README”
  • “Update package version”
  • “Quick CSS adjustment”
  • “Ask about meeting time”

Getting Started

Work Effort Lifecycle

graph TD
    A[Need Identified] -->|Is it worth tracking?| B{Create Work Effort?}
    B -->|Yes| C[Create WE]
    B -->|No| D[Regular Task]

    C --> E[Setup Initial Files]
    E --> F[Create First Chat]

    F --> G{Work Progress}
    G -->|Discussion Needed| H[Create New Chat]
    G -->|Update Status| I[Update Main File]
    G -->|Complex Task| J[Create Child WE]

    H --> G
    I --> G
    J --> G

    G -->|Complete| K[Archive WE]

    style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style B fill:#ff9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style C fill:#9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style K fill:#f99,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px

Quick Reference Guide

What You NeedWhen You Need ItExample
Work Effort IDStarting new project2432 or WE2432-1117-2024
Chat IDHaving discussionsCH2432-1117-2024-001
Status UpdateChanged progressstatus: in-progress
Child Work EffortBreaking down big tasksWE2432-1117-2024-a

Common Commands

CommandWhat It DoesWhen to Use
python 2432Creates new work effortStarting new work
python 2432 001Creates new chatNeed discussion
python 2432 completedUpdates statusWork is done
python 2432Archives work effortProject completed

Creating a Work Effort

  1. Basic Creation:
python 2432  # Creates WE2432-1117-2024
  1. Supported ID Formats:
    2432           -> WE2432-1117-2024 (today's date)
    2432-1117      -> WE2432-1117-2024 (current year)
    WE2432-1117-2024 (full format)

Directory Structure

Your work effort will create this structure:

├──           # Main work effort file
├──   # Chat router
└── chats/                        # Chat directory
    ├──   # Initial planning
    ├──   # Technical discussion
    └──   # Implementation details

Initial Setup Steps

  1. Main File Setup:

    # WE2432-1117-2024
    ## Overview
    Brief description of the work effort purpose
    ## Objectives
    - [ ] Define system architecture
    - [ ] Create database schema
    - [ ] Implement authentication
    ## Technical Requirements
    1. System dependencies
    2. Performance targets
    3. Security requirements
  2. Router File Example:

    # Chat History for WE2432-1117-2024
    ## Active Conversations
    - [[CH2432-1117-2024-003]] - Database Schema Review
    ## Archived Conversations
    - [[CH2432-1117-2024-001]] - Initial Planning
      - Defined requirements
      - Set timeline

Work Effort Management

Status Tracking

Use these status values in the frontmatter:

status: in-progress    # Active development
status: blocked        # Waiting on dependencies
status: completed      # Work finished
status: archived       # Historical record

Chat Management

  1. Creating New Chats:

    # Format: CH{WE-ID}-{sequential-number}
    CH2432-1117-2024-001    # First chat
    CH2432-1117-2024-002    # Second chat
  2. Chat Content Template:

    title: "Initial Project Planning"
    work-effort: "[[WE2432-1117-2024]]"
    chat-type: planning
    participants: [User, Assistant]
    status: active
    ## Key Decisions
    1. Selected technology stack
    2. Defined API endpoints
    ## Action Items
    - [ ] Create database schema
    - [ ] Setup development environment

Child Work Efforts

When to Create Children:

  1. Complex Features:

    WE2432-1117-2024/        # Parent: API System
    ├── WE2432-1117-2024-a/  # Child: Authentication
    ├── WE2432-1117-2024-b/  # Child: Database Schema
    └── WE2432-1117-2024-c/  # Child: API Endpoints
  2. Team Distribution:

    WE2433-1117-2024/        # Parent: Web App
    ├── WE2433-1117-2024-a/  # Child: Frontend Team
    ├── WE2433-1117-2024-b/  # Child: Backend Team
    └── WE2433-1117-2024-c/  # Child: DevOps Team
graph TD
    A[Parent Work Effort] --> B[Child: Frontend]
    A --> C[Child: Backend]
    A --> D[Child: DevOps]

    B --> E[Chats]
    B --> F[Documentation]

    C --> G[Chats]
    C --> H[Documentation]

    D --> I[Chats]
    D --> J[Documentation]

    style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style B fill:#9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style C fill:#9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style D fill:#9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px

Common Workflows

ScenarioActionExample Command
Starting new discussionCreate chatpython 2432 001
Task completedUpdate statuspython 2432 completed
Adding subtaskCreate childpython 2432-a
Project finishedArchive WEpython 2432

Tips for Success

  • Create chats for important discussions
  • Keep status updated (at least weekly)
  • Link related work efforts
  • Document decisions promptly
  • Use child efforts for complex features
  • Archive completed work efforts

Common Issues & Solutions

ID Generation Issues

Error: Invalid WE ID format


  • Use exactly 4 digits (e.g., 2432)
  • Valid date format (MMDD)
  • No special characters
  • Use script validation

File Structure Problems

Error: Work Effort already exists


  • Check existing WEs
  • Use unique ID
  • Archive old WEs
  • Verify naming

Best Practices


  1. Clear Descriptions:

    ## Overview
    This work effort implements OAuth2 authentication
    using JWT tokens for the API system.
    ## Scope
    - User registration
    - Login/logout
    - Password reset
    - Token management
  2. Linking Strategy:

    ## Related Work Efforts
    - [[WE2432-1117-2024]] (Parent: API System)
    - [[WE2432-1117-2024-b]] (Sibling: Database Schema)

Progress Tracking

  1. Regular Updates:

    ## Status Updates
    - 2024-11-17: Started authentication implementation
    - 2024-11-18: Completed user registration
    - 2024-11-19: Testing password reset
  2. Milestone Tracking:

    ## Milestones
    - [x] Database schema approved
    - [x] API endpoints defined
    - [ ] Authentication implemented
    - [ ] Testing completed

Common Mistakes to Avoid

MistakeImpactHow to Fix
Wrong ID formatCreation failsUse script’s default format
Missing linksHard to find related workAlways add parent/child links
Outdated statusTeam confusionUpdate at least weekly
No chat recordsLost decisionsCreate chat for each discussion
Incomplete docsKnowledge gapsFill all required sections

Getting Help

  1. First Steps:

    • Check this documentation
    • Look at similar work efforts
    • Review error messages
  2. Who to Ask:

    • Your team lead for process questions
    • Technical lead for system issues
    • Project manager for scope questions
    • DevOps for script problems
  3. Where to Look:

    ## Help Resources
    - [[Technical Documentation]]
    - [[Work Efforts Management]]
    - [[Nova Process Overview]]
    - Team chat channel: #work-efforts-help



Real-World Examples & Scenarios

Example 1: Feature Implementation

graph TD
    A[WE2432: New User Dashboard] --> B[WE2432-a: Frontend]
    A --> C[WE2432-b: Backend API]
    A --> D[WE2432-c: Database]

    B --> E[CH001: Design Review]
    B --> F[CH002: Component Structure]

    C --> G[CH001: API Endpoints]
    C --> H[CH002: Auth Flow]

    D --> I[CH001: Schema Design]

    style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style B fill:#9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style C fill:#9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style D fill:#9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px

Example 2: Bug Investigation

# WE2433-1117-2024: Investigate Login Performance
## Overview
Users reporting 5+ second delays during login attempts.
## Investigation Steps
- [x] Collect performance metrics
- [x] Review server logs
- [ ] Test different network conditions
- [ ] Profile database queries
## Chats
- CH001: Initial problem review
- CH002: Database query analysis
- CH003: Network latency discussion

Example 3: Documentation Project

# WE2434-1117-2024: API Documentation Update
## Objectives
- [ ] Update all endpoint descriptions
- [ ] Add request/response examples
- [ ] Create usage tutorials
- [ ] Update error documentation
## Child Work Efforts
- WE2434-a: Authentication Endpoints
- WE2434-b: User Management APIs
- WE2434-c: Admin Functions

Common Workflows

1. Starting a New Feature

# 1. Create main work effort
python 2432
# 2. Create child efforts for components
python 2432-a  # Frontend
python 2432-b  # Backend
python 2432-c  # Database
# 3. Start initial discussion
python 2432 001

2. Daily Development

## Morning
1. Check WE status
2. Update progress
3. Create new chats if needed
## During Development
1. Document decisions in chats
2. Update status as needed
3. Link related resources
## End of Day
1. Update milestones
2. Document blockers
3. Plan next steps

3. Project Completion

## Completion Checklist
1. All objectives marked complete
2. Documentation updated
3. Chats archived
4. Status set to completed
5. Final review conducted

Template Library

1. Feature Implementation Template

# WE{ID}: Feature Name
## Overview
[Brief description of the feature]
## Objectives
- [ ] Design phase
- [ ] Implementation
- [ ] Testing
- [ ] Documentation
## Technical Requirements
1. Dependencies
2. Performance criteria
3. Security requirements
## Timeline
- Design: 1 week
- Implementation: 2 weeks
- Testing: 1 week

2. Bug Investigation Template

# WE{ID}: Bug Investigation
## Issue Description
[Detailed description of the bug]
## Impact
- Severity: [High/Medium/Low]
- Affected Users: [Count/Percentage]
- Systems Affected: [List]
## Investigation Steps
- [ ] Reproduce issue
- [ ] Collect logs
- [ ] Analyze data
- [ ] Identify root cause

3. Documentation Project Template

# WE{ID}: Documentation Update
## Scope
[What needs to be documented]
## Sections to Update
- [ ] Overview
- [ ] API Reference
- [ ] Tutorials
- [ ] Examples
## Review Process
1. Technical review
2. Content review
3. User testing

Troubleshooting Guide

Common Error Messages

Error MessageLikely CauseSolution
Invalid WE ID formatIncorrect ID patternUse format: 2432 or 2432-1117 or 2432-a
Parent work effort doesn't existCreating child without parentCreate parent WE first
Permission deniedFile system permissionsCheck folder permissions
Work Effort already existsDuplicate WE creationUse a different ID or archive old WE
A child effort with suffix 'a' already existsDuplicate child suffixUse next available letter (b, c, etc.)

Quick Fixes

  1. Script Won’t Run:

    # Check Python version
    python --version  # Should be 3.8+
    # Check permissions
    ls -l
    chmod +x
  2. Parent-Child Issues:

    # Correct order
    python 2432    # Create parent first
    python 2432-a  # Then create child
  3. File Structure Problems:

    # Check directory structure
    tree WE2432-1117-2024/
    # Fix missing router
    python --fix-router 2432

Recovery Steps

  1. Corrupted Work Effort:

    # Backup existing files
    cp -r WE2432-1117-2024/ WE2432-1117-2024_backup/
    # Recreate work effort
    python --force 2432
  2. Missing Parent Links:

    # Update parent-child relationships
    python 2432
  3. Broken Chat Router:

    # Regenerate router file
    python --rebuild-router 2432

Best Practices for Prevention

  1. Before Creating Work Efforts:

    • Check existing WE IDs
    • Verify parent exists for child efforts
    • Use --dry-run flag to preview
  2. During Development:

    • Keep status updated
    • Link related work efforts
    • Use chat system for discussions
  3. Regular Maintenance:

    • Archive completed work efforts
    • Update parent-child relationships
    • Clean up unused chats

Getting Additional Help

  1. Internal Resources:

    • Check #work-efforts Slack channel
    • Review system documentation
    • Contact your team lead
  2. External Support:

    • Submit issue in GitLab
    • Check knowledge base
    • Contact system administrator

Version History

1.0.02024-11-17Initial release
1.0.12024-11-18Added troubleshooting guide
1.1.02024-11-19Added support for child efforts

Need Help?

If you’re stuck, remember to check the troubleshooting guide above or reach out to the support team in the #work-efforts Slack channel.