Last year he gave a talk about the future of architecture and he’s doing an update in May
Looking for insight into how to use AI to do stuff
He’s willing to enroll into the Multiverse and wants to learn from us in the Multiverse
Wants to use this as a start for his architecture knowledge
Wants my guidance and wants to know where to search and how to search for stuff
Not a designer - studied architecture but it’s not his passion
The technical details of apply ing everything is what he’s passionate about
Higher scope than just the technical design part of architecture.
Uses Revit Macro
Has created a web app with ChatGPT
Has multiple chats and is creating apps with ChatGPT - exploring and testing the capacity of ChatGPT to answer
Used Claude - had subscriptions to all the major ones, uses Flux for images, familiar with Node.js
Works for a company that does MAP on big projects.
He’s in Germany
Wants to develop a plan to help him create his two seminars and meet his goals with AI
Feels lonely and wants to connect with people.
He’s interested in the Multiverse
Prefers a later time and wants to have access to the recordings and be self-paced
Working from home and doing this
Looking at the next 7 months to dedicate time to learning AI from the Multiverse
Saw the Johnny Autoseed project
Originally from Syria - wanted to put the Johnny Autoseed ag project into place in Syria
Wants to create an audience
Wants to support me. Following me for months
Afraid that he would be overwhelmed
The company he works for is investing in AI and has bought Microsoft Azure and is creating a database to feel the company AI data so that it gets trained on it
Why reinvent the wheel, when you can just wait 6 months and build and learn and watch and explore
We’re like the Star Trek resistance forces - the Rebels
He’s trying to look for people like him with similar values
He’s an advocate for housing for everyone. Everyone needs homes.
Thinking about 3d printing and modular architecture
Looking at the political aspect of it all as well
Met resistance from the group and his people didn’t want to talk about AI and he’s wanting community and camaraderie