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Basic formatting syntax

Learn how to apply basic formatting to your notes, using Markdown. For more advanced formatting syntax, refer to Advanced formatting syntax.


To create paragraphs in Markdown, use a blank line to separate blocks of text. Each block of text separated by a blank line is treated as a distinct paragraph.

This is a paragraph.
This is another paragraph.

This is a paragraph.

This is another paragraph.

A blank line between lines of text creates separate paragraphs. This is the default behavior in Markdown.

Multiple blank spaces

Multiple adjacent blank spaces within and between paragraphs collapse into a single space when displayed in Reading view or on Obsidian Publish sites.

Multiple          adjacent          spaces
and multiple newlines between paragraphs.

Multiple adjacent spaces

and multiple newlines between paragraphs.

If you want to prevent spaces from collapsing or add multiple blank spaces, you can use the &nbsp; (non-breaking space) or <br> (line break) HTML tags.

Line breaks 

By default in Obsidian, pressing Enter once will create a new line in your note, but this is treated as a continuation of the same paragraph in the rendered output, following typical Markdown behavior. To insert a line break within a paragraph without starting a new paragraph, you can either:

  • Add two spaces at the end of a line before pressing Enter, or
  • Use the shortcut Shift + Enter to directly insert a line break.

Why don’t multiple Enter presses create more line breaks in reading view?

Obsidian includes a Strict Line Breaks setting, which makes Obsidian follow the standard Markdown specification for line breaks.

To enable this feature:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Go to the Editor tab.
  3. Enable Strict Line Breaks.

When Strict Line Breaks is enabled in Obsidian, line breaks have three distinct behaviors depending on how the lines are separated:

Single return with no spaces: A single Enter with no trailing spaces will combine the two separate lines into a single line when rendered.

line one
line two

Renders as:

line one line two

Single return with two or more trailing spaces: If you add two or more spaces at the end of the first line before pressing Enter, the two lines remain part of the same paragraph, but are broken by a line break (HTML <br> element). We’ll use two underscores to stand in for spaces in this example.

line three__  
line four

Renders as:

line three

line four

Double return (with or without trailing spaces): Pressing Enter twice (or more) separates the lines into two distinct paragraphs (HTML <p> elements), regardless of whether you add spaces at the end of the first line.

line five
line six

Renders as:

line five

line six


To create a heading, add up to six # symbols before your heading text. The number of # symbols determines the size of the heading.

# This is a heading 1
## This is a heading 2
### This is a heading 3
#### This is a heading 4
##### This is a heading 5
###### This is a heading 6

This is a heading 1

This is a heading 2

This is a heading 3

This is a heading 4

This is a heading 5
This is a heading 6

Bold, italics, highlights 

Text formatting can also be applied using Editing shortcuts.

Bold** ** or __ __**Bold text**Bold text
Italic* * or _ _*Italic text*Italic text
Strikethrough~~ ~~~~Striked out text~~Striked out text
Highlight== ====Highlighted text==Highlighted text
Bold and nested italic** ** and _ _**Bold text and _nested italic_ text**Bold text and nested italic text
Bold and italic*** *** or ___ ___***Bold and italic text***Bold and italic text

Formatting can be forced to display in plain text by adding a backslash \ in front of it.

This line will not be bold

\*\*This line will not be bold\*\*

This line will be italic and show the asterisks

\**This line will be italic and show the asterisks*\*

Obsidian supports two formats for internal links between notes:

  • Wikilink: [[Three laws of motion]]
  • Markdown: [Three laws of motion](

If you want to link to an external URL, you can create an inline link by surrounding the link text in brackets ([ ]), and then the URL in parentheses (( )).

[Obsidian Help](

Obsidian Help

You can also create external links to files in other vaults, by linking to an Obsidian URI.


If your URL contains blank spaces, you must escape them by replacing them with %20.

[My Note](obsidian://open?vault=MainVault&

You can also escape the URL by wrapping it with angled brackets (< >).

[My Note](<obsidian://open?vault=MainVault&file=My>)

External images 

You can add images with external URLs, by adding a ! symbol before an external link.



You can change the image dimensions, by adding |640x480 to the link destination, where 640 is the width and 480 is the height.


If you only specify the width, the image scales according to its original aspect ratio. For example:



If you want to add an image from inside your vault, you can also embed an image in a note.


You can quote text by adding a > symbols before the text.

> Human beings face ever more complex and urgent problems, and their effectiveness in dealing with these problems is a matter that is critical to the stability and continued progress of society.
\- Doug Engelbart, 1961

Human beings face ever more complex and urgent problems, and their effectiveness in dealing with these problems is a matter that is critical to the stability and continued progress of society.

  • Doug Engelbart, 1961


You can turn your quote into a callout by adding [!info] as the first line in a quote.


You can create an unordered list by adding a -, *, or + before the text.

- First list item
- Second list item
- Third list item
  • First list item
  • Second list item
  • Third list item

To create an ordered list, start each line with a number followed by a . symbol.

1. First list item
2. Second list item
3. Third list item
  1. First list item
  2. Second list item
  3. Third list item

Task lists 

To create a task list, start each list item with a hyphen and space followed by [ ].

- [x] This is a completed task.
- [ ] This is an incomplete task.
  • This is a completed task.
  • This is an incomplete task.

You can toggle a task in Reading view by selecting the checkbox.


You can use any character inside the brackets to mark it as complete.

- [x] Milk
- [?] Eggs
- [-] Eggs
  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Eggs

Nesting lists 

You can nest any type of list—ordered, unordered, or task lists—under any other type of list.

To create a nested list, indent one or more list items. You can mix list types within a nested structure:

1. First list item
   1. Ordered nested list item
2. Second list item
   - Unordered nested list item
  1. First list item
    1. Ordered nested list item
  2. Second list item
    • Unordered nested list item

Similarly, you can create a nested task list by indenting one or more list items:

- [ ] Task item 1
	- [ ] Subtask 1
- [ ] Task item 2
	- [ ] Subtask 1
  • Task item 1
    • Subtask 1
  • Task item 2
    • Subtask 1

Use Tab or Shift+Tab to indent or unindent selected list items to easily organize them.

Horizontal rule 

You can use three or more stars ***, hyphens ---, or underscore ___ on its own line to add a horizontal bar. You can also separate symbols using spaces.

* * *
- - -
_ _ _


You can format code both inline within a sentence, or in its own block.

Inline code 

You can format code within a sentence using single backticks.

Text inside `backticks` on a line will be formatted like code.

Text inside backticks on a line will be formatted like code.

If you want to put backticks in an inline code block, surround it with double backticks like so: inline code with a backtick ` inside.

Code blocks 

To format a block of code, surround the code with triple backticks.

cd ~/Desktop
cd ~/Desktop

You can also create a code block by indenting the text using Tab or 4 blank spaces.

    cd ~/Desktop

You can add syntax highlighting to a code block, by adding a language code after the first set of backticks.

function fancyAlert(arg) {
  if(arg) {
function fancyAlert(arg) {
  if(arg) {

Obsidian uses Prism for syntax highlighting. For more information, refer to Supported languages.


Source mode and Live Preview do not support PrismJS, and may render syntax highlighting differently.


You can add footnotes[1] to your notes using the following syntax:

This is a simple footnote[^1].
[^1]: This is the referenced text.
[^2]: Add 2 spaces at the start of each new line.
  This lets you write footnotes that span multiple lines.
[^note]: Named footnotes still appear as numbers, but can make it easier to identify and link references.

You can also inline footnotes in a sentence. Note that the caret goes outside the brackets.

You can also use inline footnotes. ^[This is an inline footnote.]


Inline footnotes only work in reading view, not in Live Preview.


You can add comments by wrapping text with `inline This is a block comment.

Block comments can span multiple lines. Text%%|[Comments](| |Text|[Strikethroughs](,%20italics,%20highlights)| |Text|[Highlights](,%20italics,%20highlights)| | ``` |[Code blocks](| |- [ ]|[Incomplete task](| |- [x]|[Completed task](| |> [!note]`|Callouts| |(see link)|Tables|

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Basic formatting syntax


Import HTML files

Import Markdown files

Obsidian Flavored Markdown

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Supported Markdown extensions

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Tags are keywords or topics that help you quickly find the notes you want.

Add a tag to a note 

To create a tag, enter a hash symbol (#) in the editor, followed by a keyword. For example, #meeting.

You can also add tags using the tags property. Tags in YAML should always be formatted as a list:

  - recipe
  - cooking

Find notes using tags 

To find notes using the Search plugin, use the tag search operator in your search term, for example tag:#meeting.

You can also search for tags by clicking on them in your notes.

To find notes using the Tags view plugin, select Tags: Show tags in the Command palette, and then select the tag you want to search for.

Nested tags 

Nested tags define tag hierarchies that make it easier to find and filter related tags.

Create nested tags by using forward slashes (/) in the tag name, for example #inbox/to-read and #inbox/processing.

Both the Search and Tags view plugins support nested tags.

Tag format 

You can use any of the following characters in your tags:

  • Alphabetical letters
  • Numbers
  • Underscore (_)
  • Hyphen (-)
  • Forward slash (/) for Nested tags

Tags must contain at least one non-numerical character. For example, #1984 isn’t a valid tag, but y1984 is.

Tags are case-insensitive. For example, tag and TAG will be treated as identical.


Tags will display with the casing they are first created with in the Tags view.
For example, creating Tag and then TAG will display Tag for both.

Tags can’t contain blank spaces. To separate two or more words, you can instead use the following formats:

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Interactive graph

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Add a tag to a note

Find notes using tags

Nested tags

Tag format

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You can import Accepted file formats, or attachments, to your vault, such as images, audio files, or PDFs. Attachments are regular files that you can access using your file system.

Add an attachment 

You can add attachments to your vault in multiple ways. Only Accepted file formats can be added.

Copy and paste attachments

Drag and drop attachments

Download attachments to vault folder

Change default attachment location 

By default, attachments are added to the root of your vault.

You can change the default attachment location under Settings → Files & Links → Default location for new attachments.

  • Vault folder adds the attachment to the root of your vault.
  • In the folder specified below adds the attachment to a specified folder.
  • Same folder as current file adds the attachment to the same folder as the note you added it to.
  • In subfolder under current folder adds attachments to a specified folder next to the note you added the attachment to. If it doesn’t exist, Obsidian creates it when you add an attachment.

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Plans and storage limits

Sync limitations

Version history


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Change default attachment location

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Use callouts to include additional content without breaking the flow of your notes.

To create a callout, add [!info] to the first line of a blockquote, where info is the type identifier. The type identifier determines how the callout looks and feels. To see all available types, refer to Supported types.

> [!info]
> Here's a callout block.
> It supports **Markdown**, [[Internal link|Wikilinks]], and [[Embed files|embeds]]!
> ![[Engelbart.jpg]]


Here’s a callout block.
It supports Markdown, Wikilinks and embeds!

Callouts are also supported natively on Obsidian Publish.


If you’re also using the Admonitions plugin, you should update it to at least version 8.0.0 to avoid problems with the new callout feature.

Change the title 

By default, the title of the callout is its type identifier in title case. You can change it by adding text after the type identifier:

> [!tip] Callouts can have custom titles
> Like this one.

Callouts can have custom titles

Like this one.

You can even omit the body to create title-only callouts:

> [!tip] Title-only callout

Title-only callout

Foldable callouts 

You can make a callout foldable by adding a plus (+) or a minus (-) directly after the type identifier.

A plus sign expands the callout by default, and a minus sign collapses it instead.

> [!faq]- Are callouts foldable?
> Yes! In a foldable callout, the contents are hidden when the callout is collapsed.

Are callouts foldable?

Nested callouts 

You can nest callouts in multiple levels.

> [!question] Can callouts be nested?
> > [!todo] Yes!, they can.
> > > [!example]  You can even use multiple layers of nesting.

Can callouts be nested?

Yes!, they can.

You can even use multiple layers of nesting.

Customize callouts 

CSS snippets and Community plugins can define custom callouts, or even overwrite the default configuration.

To define a custom callout, create the following CSS block:

.callout[data-callout="custom-question-type"] {
    --callout-color: 0, 0, 0;
    --callout-icon: lucide-alert-circle;

The value of the data-callout attribute is the type identifier you want to use, for example [!custom-question-type].

  • --callout-color defines the background color using numbers (0–255) for red, green, and blue.
  • --callout-icon can be an icon ID from, or an SVG element.

Note about lucide icon versions

Obsidian updates Lucide icons periodically. The current version included is shown below; use these or earlier icons in custom callouts.

Version 0.268.0
ISC License
Copyright (c) 2020, Lucide Contributors

SVG icons

Instead of using a Lucide icon, you can also use a SVG element as the callout icon.

--callout-icon: '<svg>...custom svg...</svg>';

Supported types 

You can use several callout types and aliases. Each type comes with a different background color and icon.

To use these default styles, replace info in the examples with any of these types, such as [!tip] or [!warning]. Callout types can also be changed by right-clicking a callout.

Unless you Customize callouts, any unsupported type defaults to the note type. The type identifier is case-insensitive.


> [!note]
> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Aliases: summary, tldr




Aliases: hint, important


Aliases: check, done


Aliases: help, faq


Aliases: caution, attention


Aliases: fail, missing


Alias: error




Alias: cite

Links to this page

Basic formatting syntax


Obsidian Flavored Markdown

Style guide


Interactive graph

On this page

Change the title

Foldable callouts

Nested callouts

Customize callouts

Supported types

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Learn how to get a better overview of large notes by using folding to hide parts of the note. Folding is useful when creating outlines for your notes and when you want to focus on what you’re working on at the moment.

You can fold headings and indented lists by hovering the mouse cursor over the section you want to fold, and then selecting the arrow on the left. Folded sections show an arrow regardless of if you hover it or not.

Folding is turned on by default. To turn off folding, open Settings → Editor, and then turn off Fold indent or Fold heading, depending on your needs.

To toggle all sections at the same time, use the following commands:

  • To collapse all sections, open the Command palette, and then select Fold all headings and lists.
  • To expand all sections, open the Command palette, and then select Unfold all headings and lists.


If you prefer to fold using your keyboard, you can assign hotkeys to the Fold less and Fold more commands.

  • Fold less unfolds the section at the text cursor.
  • Fold more folds the section or list that contains the text cursor.


Interactive graph

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Properties allow you to organize information about a note. Properties contain structured data such as text, links, dates, checkboxes, and numbers. Properties can also be used in combination with Community plugins that can do useful things with your structured data.

Add properties to a note 

There are several ways to add a property to a note:

  • Use the Add file property command.
  • Use the Cmd/Ctrl+; hotkey.
  • Choose Add file property from the More actions menu (brought up by the three dots icon or by right-clicking the tab).
  • Type --- at the very beginning of a file.

Once you add a property, a row will appear at the top of the file with two inputs: the property name and the property value.

For the name, you can choose anything you like. Obsidian provides several default properties: tags, cssclasses, and aliases.

Once you choose the property name, you can give it a value.

Property types 

In addition to a name and value, properties also have a type. A property’s type describes the kind of values it can store. To change the type of a property, click the property’s icon or use the Edit file property command.

Obsidian supports the following property types:

Once a property type is assigned to a property, all properties with that name are assumed to have the same property type.

Advanced uses 

Text and List type properties can contain URLs and Internal links using the [[Link]] syntax.

Search properties 

Properties have their own search syntax that you can use alongside other search terms and operators. See search syntax for properties.


You can add properties to Plugins/Templates. When you insert a template into the active note, all the properties from the template will be added to the note. Obsidian will also merge any properties that exist in your note with properties in the template.

Rename properties 

You can rename a property by right-clicking it in the All properties view.

Display modes 

You can change how properties are displayed in your note by going to Settings → Editor → Properties in document. The options are:

  • Visible (default) — displays properties at the top of the note, if there are any.
  • Hidden — hides properties, can still be displayed in the sidebar via Properties view.
  • Source — displays properties in plain text YAML format.

Not supported 

A few features are not supported in Obsidian:

  • Nested properties — to view nested properties we recommend using the Source display.
  • Bulk editing properties — this can be achieved with community-made tools such as Python scripts.
  • Markdown in properties — this is an intentional limitation as properties are meant for small, atomic bits of information that are both human and machine readable.


Add a property 

Add new propertyCmd + ;

When a property is focused

Focus next propertyDown arrow or Tab
Focus previous propertyUp arrow or Shift+Tab
Jump to editorAlt+Down arrow

Select properties 

Extend selection upwardsShift+Up arrow
Extend selection downwardsShift+Down arrow
Select allCmd+A

Edit properties 

Edit property nameLeft arrow
Edit property valueRight arrow
Focus propertyEscape
Delete propertyCmd+Backspace

if any properties are selected, it will delete the selection instead.

Vim (advanced) 

Move downj
Move upk
Focus keyh
Focus valuel
Focus value (Cursor at end)A
Focus value (Cursor at beginning)i
Create new propertyo

Property format 

Properties are stored in YAML format at the top of the file. YAML is a widely used format that’s readable by both humans and machines.

Property names are separated from their values by a colon followed by a space:

name: value

While the order of each name-value pair doesn’t matter, each name must be unique within a note. For example, you can’t have more than one tags property.

Values can be text, numbers, true or false, or even collections of values (arrays).

title: A New Hope # This is a text property
year: 1977
favorite: true
cast: # This is a list property
  - Mark Hamill
  - Harrison Ford
  - Carrie Fisher

Internal links in Text and List type properties must be surrounded with quotes. Obsidian will automatically add these if you manually enter internal links into properties, but be careful to add them when using templating plugins.

link: "[[Link]]" 
  - "[[Link]]" 
  - "[[Link2]]"

Number type properties must always be an integer. The integer may contain decimal points, but not operators.

year: 1977
pie: 3.14

Checkbox type properties are either true or false. An empty property will be treated as false. In Live Preview, this will be represented as a checkbox.

favorite: true
reply: false
last: # this will default to false

Date and Date & time type properties are stored in the following format:

date: 2020-08-21
time: 2020-08-21T10:30:00

The date picker follows your operating system’s default date and time format. You can change it in your system preferences:


Mac OS

With the Daily notes plugin enabled, the date property will additionally function as an internal link to the corresponding daily note for that date.


JSON Properties 

While we recommend using YAML to define properties, you can also define properties using JSON:

  "tags": "journal",
  "publish": false

Note that the JSON block will be read, interpreted, and saved as YAML.

Default properties 

Obsidian comes with a set of default properties:

tagsSee Tags.
aliasesSee Aliases.
cssclassesAllows you to style individual notes using CSS snippets.

Properties for Obsidian Publish 

The following properties can be used with Obsidian Publish:

publishSee Automatically select notes to publish.
permalinkSee Permalinks.
descriptionSee Description.
imageSee Image.
coverSee Image.

Deprecated properties 

These properties were deprecated in Obsidian 1.4. Please do not use them anymore:

tagDeprecated alias for tags.
aliasDeprecated alias for aliases.
cssclassDeprecated alias for cssclasses.

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Capture web pages


Properties view

Publish and unpublish notes


Social media link previews



Interactive graph

On this page

Add properties to a note

Property types

Advanced uses


Search properties


Rename properties

Display modes

Not supported


Add a property

Navigate between properties

Select properties

Edit properties

Vim (advanced)

Property format

JSON Properties

Default properties

Properties for Obsidian Publish

Deprecated properties

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Embed web pages

Learn how to use the iframe HTML element to embed web pages in your notes.

To embed a web page, add the following in your note and replace the placeholder text with the URL of the web page you want to embed:

<iframe src="INSERT YOUR URL HERE"></iframe>


Some websites don’t allow you to embed them. Instead, they may provide URLs that are meant for embedding them. If the website doesn’t support embedding, try searching for the name of the website followed by “embed iframe”. For example, “youtube embed iframe”.


If you’re using Canvas, you can embed a web page in a card. For more information, refer to Canvas > Add cards from web pages.

Embed a YouTube video 

To embed a YouTube video, use the same Markdown syntax as external images:


Embed a tweet 

To embed a tweet, use the same Markdown syntax as external images:


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HTML content

Embed web pages

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Embed a YouTube video

Embed a tweet

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HTML content

Obsidian supports HTML to allow you to display your notes the way you want, or even embed web pages. Allowing HTML inside your notes comes with risks. To prevent malicious code from doing harm, Obsidian sanitizes any HTML in your notes.


The <script> element normally lets you run JavaScript whenever it loads. If Obsidian didn’t sanitize HTML, an attacker could convince you to paste a text containing JavaScript that extracts sensitive information from your computer and sends it back to them.

That said, since Markdown syntax does not support all forms of styling, using sanitized HTML can be yet another way of enhancing the quality of your notes. We’ve included some of the more common usages of HTML.

More details on using <iframe> can be found in Embed web pages.


Markdown comments are the preferred way of adding hidden comments within your notes. However some methods of converting Markdown notes, such as Pandoc, have limited support of Markdown comments. In those instances, you can use a <!-- HTML Comment --> instead!


If you need to quickly underline an item in your notes, you can use <u>Example</u> to create your underlined text.


Span and div tags can be used to apply custom classes from a CSS snippet, or custom defined styling, onto a selected area of text. For example, using <span style="font-family: cursive">your text</span> can allow you to quickly change your font.


Need to strike some text? Use <s>this</s> to strike it out.

HTML content

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